Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Miss Meg and Her Super Hectic Week (wishing for a day is 48 hours )

Diposting oleh megawati annas di 10.28
i'm writing this while the wind is blowing soooooo hard outside..
and yeah i'm scared now :(
hoping all is well till morning comes.
It’s been soooooo looong since I last met you fellas!!! XD
Gak sabar pengen nge blog yang panjaaaaaaaaaang banget pas saya ketemu sama leppie pinjaman kk ;P
Yo wess.. sudahlah…
Ini adalah postingan saya yang ke sekian.. walaupun gak menarik – menarik amat tapi yah.. sekedar nge-refresh hati dan dompet yang lagi krismon , nge blog ini cukup membuat saya serasa dipijat di SPA :D
“Seminggu serasa se abad “ begitu sede’ nabilang kalo orang yang salili sama pacarna. Tapi saya gang .. seminggu serasa setaonji kalo ndakketemu sama keypads yang nyaman buat nge-blog. ;)
Inimi inih.. resiko anak kuliahan yang aktifitasnya lebih banyak kerja serabutan tapi malah gak bisa kaya :X *ralat = belum bisa kaya cess… Insya Allah nanti saya kaya.. kaya ilmu.. and have a lot of money.. but well, the money part is not everything as long as I’m happy and enjoying my life.
Actually, In this post I’m going to talk about the same thing… my everyday life..
Banyak kegiatan minggu ini yang seru .. biasaji iyya tapi ya’ seruuuji kurasa..
Next post I’ll write everything in English. But not this time.. this time I just wanna chill with my bahasa gado-gado. Biar orang tau kalo saya bisa bahasa gado-gado lol .

i'll start with my days at college.
yeah. nynggu adalah hal yang membuat sesuatu makin menarik ketika dia datang. tapi ude'ehhh siapa amo yang tahan dengan proses menunggunya pastiiii orang yang digaji dengan pekerjaan "menunggu" tapi saiaa, preet.. paling gak suka menunggu. ndassuka BT nya.. ndassuka prosesnya yang bikin wasting time. padahal seharusnya semua sudah terjadwal dengan rapi. tapi di kampusku semuanya serba di tunggu.
1. tunggu dosen
2. tunggu proyektor
3. tunggu KRS
4. tunggu IP keluar
pokoknya nungguuuuu terus.

what makes me super bored is the waiting process itself. bukannya kita sebagai generasi muda ditutntut u/ menjadi contoh yang baik untuk generasi ke depan dengan cara MENDISIPLINKAN DIRI?? tapi kenapa malah kaum tua ini yang sering molor?? gimana kita ndak ketularan molor?? semua pabrik JAM di Indonesia berbondong-bondong mengganti bahan bakunya menjadi KARET!
Indonesia Identik dengan jam KARETnya.. kaga' heran gue :(
but.. sudahlah.. dari pada ngeluh mending se kasih ko tipsku untuk menunggu yg mengasyikkan..
while i was waiting for the lecturer.. i got my FAVORITE DRINK di kakilima deket kampus.
Yo'i... ada POP ICE rasa MELON.. yummyyyyy :9
saya minum DUAAAAA

duannn.. akhir-akhir ini banyaak banget undangan pernikahan yang singgah ke rumah.
Undangan pernikahan = Budget bulanan extra = kantong kemps.
Sudahlah bok yah.. semua juga Tuhan sudah ngatur, pasti dapat rejeki mMeg, 3 bulan gag gajian Elu juga makan terus tuh *baca ditraktir terus.
Nah and after attending several wedding parties. The best party is goes to….
My childhood friend IMAM AKHMAD!! Yayy..
Even it was raining and even we got there at 9.15 pm but the party and the setting up was totally awesome. It was blowing my mind!! They’re look fit each other :) I’m happy for them!!

sorry for skipping the plus plus thing :) I met NURDIN KDI whom my twinno adores so much.. hehehehe (now u know why that was the best wedding party last week )

another random things.
this crazy week made me working 7 days a week including helping my students made a wall magazine, working at my OFFICE, joining classes at my college, teaching my students and working my assignments. WOW!!

senangku mamii kalo menangq madingnya ine anak2 e.... ;)

suasana di kantorku.. jarang - jarang kek gini sibuknya.. biasa gossipji yang jadi.. wuhehe:D

But, sedikit hiburan bagi saya tatkala saya menyambut datangnya musim ini (sorry bahasanya agak lebayy) bukan musim kawin ato musim putus. Tapi musim DUREN.. woohooo…. Buah eksotik ini memang gag ada duanya!!! Dibelah yuk di belahh… (JUPE MODE ON)..
Hahahah.. sampe teller makannya ;)

The best thing living in majene is you’ll live near the beaches. Kalo stress tinggal nyemplung ke laut.. gag ada larangan!! Yeah.. I spent my weekend at the beach and doing some exercise with my birthday gift from ammiiii…. :)

I am a girl who loves to shop. shopping secondhand stuff (cakar) adalah hobby saya.. apalagi bisa dapet baju-baju ber merk mahal dan keren dengan harga only 1$ or (12.000 rupiah) uiiwwwssss... PUASSSSS!!!

Why the title of this post is HECTIC? Itu karena dengan segala kerja serabutan saya, saya masih ngarep kalo 1 hari itu = 48 jam. Bener – bener deh…
Sedikit bocoran tentang tugas kampus saya.

Dosen saya nyuruh untuk buat biographi diri sendiri. nahh.. I want you to read it as you might feel interested about me ;) it’s not like imma SHOWing OFF person. But I just want you to know why MEGAWATI ANAS become like this :) and I might say that perhaps I can inspired you a bit.


My name is MEGAWATI ANAS. I was born in a small town Majene. On march 1, 1987 I began my journey through life. I am the youngest daughter of a civil servant father, ANAS and a lovely house wife KATIDJAH. I have only one eldest sister SRI LARASATI and have no other sibling. She is now working as a civil servant too. I was rising in a simple family who came from different culture. Both came from my mother and my father. My father is a mandarese and my mother is Javanese. When I was a child, my father was a jobless man. We were living in a motel at that time its name is WISMA CAHYA. Not like we had a lot of money to rent a motel room but only because my mother was trusted to control the motel by the owner. WISMA CAHYA was very famous at that time and very large too. It has 10 big rooms. But we got only one small room with a bath room in it and a bed where four of us always slept every night. As a little child, I thought that the motel was my house. But it wasn’t. even the small room where I slept wasn’t my house. We didn’t have our real house.


In 1993, I entered SD 1 saleppa. An elementary school which near my house. I spent my childhood like what the other children did. In elementary school I had so many friends whom I still keep hanging out with until now. I was known as a little girl who loves to sing and very good at drawing. Thus, I ever represented my school to joined several singing and drawing competitions. I also won a scholarship as a talented student at that time. Since I lived in a motel near the beach, my friends and I always spent our time swimming at the beach, riding bicycle, and playing basketball. The good things living in a motel was the time when we had many guests. I met so many people from different occupation, different town and even different countries. Rano karno and rhoma irama were the artists who ever spent the nights in WISMA CAHYA. I also met so many foreign tourists. They were from Japan, France, Australia, Germany, USA, and India. They were very kind to me. Mikami and wada were tourists from Japan who always gave me chocolate. And Paul, from France was our guest who always gave me toys. Meeting with some people from abroad was rising my passion in learning another language. I started to watch MTV, a music tv channel that plays western songs 24hours a day, 7 days a week. It was a pretty strange hobby for a little girl like me. I was 9 years old at that time. And perhaps that was how I fell in love with English language.


After graduating elementary school, I went to SMP 3 Unggulan Majene. Once again the school gave me a scholarship so I could spend my 3 years of study for free. Rising by a hard working mother was giving me such a good influence with the way of my thinking. I gave my best shot in every subject. I was trying to make my parents proud of me. I was chosen as the secretary of OSIS and represented my school and district in “lomba siswa teladan se sul-sel ” and made to the 4th place.
When I entered high school in 2002 I chose SMA Neg. 1 unggulan majene and had successfully won another scholarship. it helped me a lot since my parents didn’t have a real job. I was chosen as the committee of OSIS and became the chairperson of wall magazine club. I found my interest in music by joining a band as a vocalist at that time. I also became an announcer in one educative radio CSP and then I learnt how to become an MC. I remembered the time when my class went to Makassar for holiday. I couldn’t join with them because I had no money. I was very sad. But then I tried to lift myself up by reading magazines and joined a national writing competition on it. I couldn’t believe that I won the 3rd place. I got the money and souvenirs. also, Aneka Yess magazine and the precise shoes company who made the competition sent me 2 flight tickets and invitation to Surabaya. That was best experience on that time. I also joined the basketball team Garuda Putri to represent Majene joining PORDA I on Polewali. And we got silver medal.


After graduating SMA 1. My friends were excited to continue their studies in Makassar. Well, once again I couldn’t join them because of the same problem, Financial problem. It broke my heart at that time. Knowing my own capabilities and so many achievements that I got I should have deserved a good education. But I couldn’t fight with the reality. That made me frustrated. I start working as a temporary worker in regent office and postponed my study for four years. After collecting the money, my parents insist me to enter economic school. I took it but only for a year I resigned. I believe that our parents’ choice isn’t always the best choice for us. We know what we like. And my passion is always in learning English. And then I entered University of west Sulawesi. Majoring English department of education is the best choice that I’ve ever made. i was trusted to be the head of committee in our fist English camp and the camp was a raging success. At the same time I was chosen as the first president of HIMABRIS UNSULBAR. What makes me very proud of myself is that I am a woman. I can give you an example of woman’s emancipation. And again, among 40 talented students I was trusted as a student who represents UNSULBAR to ask a question in front of Vice president Budiono. It is no word IMPOSSIBLE it is only I AM POSSIBLE. Thing was going better when my father was accepted to become PNS. We FINNALLY BUILT a house and then we moved from THE MOTEL TO OUR REAL HOUSE. But Until now, I never ask for money to my parents. But it’s not easy as I’m working in two different places: regent office and LPKT English course as tutor. Sometimes I got another job for becoming an MC on their events. But it is not a crazy endeavor if we want to try. My ambition is to become an English teacher, to become a lecturer and to study abroad. Experiencing all that stuff gives me such a great motivation to improve my skill and to change my life. I will never give up. Like what I always did.


well.. hope you guys had an awesome week just like i had.. thank you for Allah SWT yang sudah jagain saya selama ini.
keknya posting kali ini cukup melelahkan..

waiting for the next awesome weekend to come

..gotta off to bed..
cheriioooooooooooooo <3

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