Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

miss Meg goes to Tammejarra' (Maulid version)

Diposting oleh megawati annas di 01.58
well, this is my new post  as a beginner...
and as a good newbe, I would like to introduce myself.. wo? no lahhh :P
it's all on my profile.. you can read it theheheh...
grew up in the small town Majene, and rising by the small diverse family membuat saya tumbuh menjadi seorang wanita yang berfikiran sedikit conservative tetapi banyak menyangkal segala bentuk ke-konservatifan dari lingkunganku sendiri...
but when i met someone special who changed the way of my thinking, saya rasa konsevatif itu kadang menggelikan ;P

but also, having a lil conservative mind is okay :)
semenjak kecil saya sudah tinggal di lingkungan yang sedikit modern, ingat! LINGKUNGAN... and it doesn't mean that i was grew up in a modern and rich family..
hal itu menjadikan saya tumbuh  dengan pemikiran yang sedikit beda dengan teman yang lain.
saya tidak suka dengan budaya saya sendiri "tak kenal maka tak sayang" lebih tepatnya saya seperti itu..
tidak pernah berfikir bahwa budaya Mandar itu penting.. yang lebih penting hanyalah teknologi and iptek..

well, sekarang saya baru melek.. kalau my small town ini eksotis banget...

back to the main story
i was with my college friends yesterday and i went to the small village Tammejaarra' for celebrating Maulid nabi Muhammad SAW . i didn't know what brought me here.. as i never ever like the traditional events :(
but after having 30 minutes exploring and figuring out what was happening there.. i was AMAZED by their hospitality and their unique way celebrating the Maulid!
this is what happened.
bertepatan dengan Maulid Nabu Muhammad SAW sebagian desa akan melaksanakan khataman Al-Qur'an massal..
seperti pesta kecil yang bernuansa kekeluargaan mereka membuatnya sangat meriah :)

uhh look at the crowd!! :)

these ladies.. makin' me envy.. they were beautiful :)
 you might think that i was bored.. but let's see.. i was swimming on my own sweat chasing this great moment :)

the only thing i deplore was this :(

thanks for my friend justmah whose kindly invited me to her house :)

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